Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Past Few Weeks Happenings

I know it has been awhile since I have posted and I am very sorry. I am sorry how the picture arrangemenets came out. I am still learning how to use blogger.

Levi and Zion both got the A honor roll again this 2nd 6 weeks. Time is really going by sooo fast. I really am soo proud of my boys.

Avva has lately been writing the same letters over and over again on any piece of paper she can find. The letter are P, F, L, H, G, B, M, and Z. Something funny about her is if you write her name like Avva and not like AVVA then she says it is not her name. She really is becoming very articulate in her speech and the things that come out of her mouth you would think that she was so much older. And she has a really good memory.

All the kids are really looking forward to christmas. The boys really want a XBOX 360 or possibly a WII. We will see. It seems that it is getting harder to figure out gifts to buy for the boys. Their likes and dislikes of theirs change almost daily.

I really do enjoy christmas time and all the lights and decorations and even the music. I am hoping to get the tree and decorations up sometime before the week is over.

My family and I enjoyed Thanksgiving with Saul's family. We had Thanksgiving at Jordan's house. We had LOTS of good food. I ate way too much. I really enjoyed all the conversations and time I spent with the family. I got to see Saul's cousins that I have only seen a time or two. They are such wonderful, happy, well behaved kids and I so much enjoyed the time that I got to spend with them getting to know them a little more. Lord willing I will have many more opportunities to get to visit with them and get to know them more and more. Over all it was a great holiday time.

I am really am looking forward to many more times with spending time with family. Because I know life is soooo short and it can end at anytime. I really do treasure the times that I do spend with family.

Levi turned 9 the day afer Thanksgiving. We had a short little party at Jordan's house with Saul's family. Levi said it was the best birthday he had ever had. That makes me so happy. I am sad tho that my baby is growing up, but I am looking forward to him changing and growing and eventually make a life for himself. I pray daily for Levi and for Zion and Avva that they will make the right decisions in life. I know eventually I will have to realize that it will be them to make their on choices. I hope Saul and I will have given them all they need to make those right choices.

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